Your space. Your brand.

In today’s world, an organization’s brand is more than a logo or tag line, it’s a sensory experience that clients have when walking through the door. Designers use colors and materials in the built environment to convey a brand’s identity three-dimensionally. Here are two examples of how DSGW’s designers have used this approach to bring a brand to life.


Located in Two Harbors, MN on the shores of Lake Superior, North Shore Federal Credit Union’s color palette was driven by its geographic surroundings.

Blues and dark grays inspired by Lake Superior and the rocky cliffs of the North Shore.


Built on a brownfield site and working harbor in Duluth, MN – Pier B Resort’s interior finishes were chosen to pay homage to the area’s shipping industry while still conveying a high end experience. A style that was coined “industrial chic.”

Light fixture made from wood beam recovered during site excavation.

